After viewing the current
unit feature and current
lesson shown above, parents may scroll
down to view the rest of the page. I hope it helps parents and students
understand what the students in my history
classes will be learning. I have tried to provide a comprehensive
list of different class projects I have used in the past. The projects
titles are listed below with a brief outline of their requirements. Students
will receive adequate class time to work on any of the projects that are
assigned. Some of these projects are done with a partner or assigned
group. All projects and their due dates will be listed on
my in-class calendar, the student handout monthly calendar,
and my online calendar.
Intructions for using it are at the bottom of the page.
Students will from time to time need access to a computer after school hours. DO NOT GO OUT AND BUY A COMPUTER FOR THIS REASON! I sent home a form that will help the student obtain internet/computer access at the public library. Please discuss this with your child. Your persmission is required to obtain this special library access. This special library access plus class time and passes to the computer lab during study hall should be all the student will need. The computer in my room is available before and after school for anyone who needs more time and/or my help. I also set aside after school time on Tuesdays and Thursdays for My WebMaster's Activity Group. (Use the link provided to view the accompanying page for more information on this group). |
Web Survival Guide: Students will be required to keep a notebook containing all Computer related worksheets, Web Glossary, and Virtual Exploration Log of research done on the Web. Desktop Publishing Centers-- Group Activity in which the students take an idea from the chapter either on their own or assigned and turn it into a pamphlet, newspaper, or book with illustrations in order to be shared with the class. Desktop publishing skills will also be used for making graphic pages/dividers for their journals. It is my hope that the students will be able to develop their computer skill to the point that a newsletter can be produced at the end of each unit as a summary of what the students have learned. Talk Show-- This is an entire class project. Students interested in being the talk show host, guests to be interviewed (or panel members depending on format used), camera persons and production personnel must complete a role playing application and submit it to the Network Manager (me). All Applicants will be interviewed by their peers and selected on the merit of the ability to complete the task. The topic will be selected by voting on suggested topics. Cast and crew will be responsible for creating the format for the production and the presentation material and dialogue. There will be audience participation. (This can also be set up like "Sound Off" using a two panel format to debate pros and cons). Mock Situation: This can be used to depict things like the Constitutional Convention and used by the class to determine a constitution and governing body for the class. It can be carried on to elect the government officials. It can also be used for parliamentary procedure in determining the outcome of "serious class rule violators." Web Designing--During the second semester we will begin displaying research by creating a Web site. As data is collected, each group will pick a subject (ie, the Depression, The Holocaust, The Sixties...etc.) and present there data as a group Web page. Book report: This assignment is for extra credit and must be a selected book from an approved reading list or show to the teacher for approval. Topic Reports--This is an extra credit project that can be either an original idea approved by the teacher or one that has been selected from an idea list provided by the teacher. Research Paper--During the first semester we will work on researching and writing a research paper. This will be done as a class and will be a work done in stages until completion. Teacher will lead the class through all aspects of the project. This will be a nine week on going learning experience. There will be a time frame for each stage of the research paper. Students may select the topic and will submit a thesis statement for assessment by the teacher. |