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I would like to acknowledge the follwoing software programs I used to develope this site.  They are: 
  • Netscape Communicator 4.0 (The Page Composer was used to make this page.)
  • Microsoft Word-- Many of the text graphics were created using that program (by  me).
  • Corel PhotoHouse--I used it as the graphic converter to change text into graphics.
Special thanks go to the following Web Sites: 
 Click here for a special thanks... 
Thank you for visiting my site.  I hope you have found some useful information within its pages.  Pleas sign my guestbook and return to the site often.  It is a work in progress. I will be adding new features and  information as time permits.  Please scroll down and read one of my favorite poems.  It is by Robert Frost and is entitle "Armful".
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The Armful 
by Robert Frost 
For every parcel I stoop down to seize 
I lose some other off my arms and knees, 
And the whole pile is slipping, bottles, buns, 
Extremes too hard to comprehend at. once 
Yet nothing I should care to leave behind. 
With all I have to hold with hand and mind 
And heart, if need be, I will do my best. 
To keep their building balanced at my breast. 
I crouch down to prevent them as they fall; 
Then sit down in the middle of them all. 
I had to drop the armful in the road 
And try to stack them in a better load.