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I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Mrs. Siminski and I am your child's history teacher this year.  I teach United States History and Computer Literacy.  I am a Graduate of Ball State University and am currently working on an Educational Endorsement in Computer Science at IUN.  I am a lifetime resident of the area and have made my home in Portage since 1976.  I have four daughters.  Two are currently in college and two currently attend PHS.  I hope this website will help you understand what I expect from your child and I hope by getting to know a little bit about me that you will feel comfortable about contacting me anytime a question arises.  Thank You.
This is my family..........
This is Jenny..She is studying to be a nurse and will graduate in the year 2000. She is a PHS Graduate from the Class of 1996.  This is Katie...she is a 1998 PHS Graduate majoring in Political Science Katie is a Pre-law student. She wants to go to Tulane for Law School.  This is Becky... she attends Portage High School and is on the Varsity Cross Country and Track Teams. She is the Jr. Class Secretary. This is Kristy... 
 she attends Portage High School and is a member of the Varsity Swim Team. And Latin Club.
This is my husband, Bill... he is the man who pays the bills.  
As you have guessed...HE WORKS ALOT!!
My Cat's Name is Molly...


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